dimecres, 20 d’octubre del 2010

LLETRA DE LA CANÇÓ de la Nina Simone Ain't got No/I got Life

Groovefinder Vs. Nina Simone - Ain’t got no (I got life)

Heart! Soul!

Ain't got no home, ain't got no shoes
Ain't got no money, ain't got no class
Ain't got no friends, ain't got no schooling
Ain't got no worth, ain't got no job
Ain't got no mind

And what have I got?
Why am I alive anyway?
Yeah, what have I got?
Nobody can take away

I got my hair, I got my head
I got my brains, I got my ears
I got my eyes, I got my nose
I got my mouth, I got my smile
I got my tongue, I got my chin
I got my neck, I got my boobies
I got my heart, I got my soul
I got my back, I got my sex

Ain't got no father, ain't got no mother
Ain't got no children, ain't got no faith
Ain't got no earth, ain't got no water
Ain't got no ticket, ain't got no token
Ain't got no love

And what have I got?
Why am I alive anyway?
Yeah, what have I got?
Nobody can take away

I got my hair, I got my head
I got my brains, I got my ears
I got my eyes, I got my nose
I got my mouth, I got my smile

I got my tongue, I got my chin
I got my neck, I got my boobies
I got my heart, I got my soul
I got my back, I got my sex

I got my arms, I got my hands
I got my fingers, Got my legs
I got my feet, I got my toes
I got my liver, Got my blood

I've got life, I've got my freedom
I've got the life

Heart! Soul!


Groovefinder Vs Nina Simone - Ain't Got No (I Got Life)

dijous, 7 d’octubre del 2010


A principi de curs a la reunió de caps de departament se’ns  va dir que podíem introduir en el currículum de les nostres matèries ( ho podíem fent coordinant diferents àrees) un tema relacionat amb el nostre entorn (físic, social, cultural....) i que el podíem desenvolupar de manera que afectés a la personalització del nostre institut
Una manera molt creativa de donar-li personalitat és amb un Lipdub, en el que presentem l'espai físic amb les persones que l'omplen. Un Lipdub és un treball en grup en el que el resultat final dependrà de l'esforç que hi posi cadascun individualment.
Tenim una proposta de cançó, us la presentem i també la lletra. 
El dia de carnaval seria un bon dia per filmar-lo???
Aquest blog pretèn ser interactiu, s'accepten suggeriments!!

divendres, 1 d’octubre del 2010


Lyrics to Pull Shapes :
Dance with me, pretty boy tonight
Dance with me, and we'll be alright
There's a whole floor before us, just for you and me,
So follow my lead, and we'll 1-2-3

Pull Shapes,
I like to Disco
I like to Rock n' Roll
Well I like to Hip-Hop
We can do it all, just don't let the music stop

Pull Shapes,
I lead with my left hand
I stomp with my right foot
Well I just wanna freak out
I just wanna move, I don't care what the song's about

Dance with me, pretty boy tonight
Dance with me, and we'll be alright
There's a whole floor before us, just for you and me,
So follow my lead, and we'll 1-2-3

Pull Shapes,
Is there a drumbeat?
Pull Shapes
And is the bass beat?
Pull Shapes
Then the rhythm is complete

Well get up on the floor, its time for you to move your feet

Dance with me, pretty boy tonight
Dance with me, and we'll be alright
There's a whole floor before us, just for you and me,
So follow my lead, and we'll 1-2-3

What do you do when the music stops?
What do you do when the music stops?
What do you do when the music stops?
What do you do when the music stops?

Pull Shapes
Clap your hands if you want some more,
Pull Shapes
Clap your hands if you want some more,
Pull Shapes
Clap your hands if you want some more,
Pull Shapes
Clap your hands if you want some more,

Clap your hands if you want some more,
Clap your hands if you want some more,

Dance with me, pretty boy tonight
Dance with me, and we'll be alright
There's a whole floor before us, just for you and me,
So follow my lead, and we'll 1-2-3
Pull Shapes

Dance with me, pretty boy tonight
Pull Shapes
Dance with me, and we'll be alright
Pull Shapes
There's a whole floor before us, just for you and me,
Pull Shapes
So follow my lead, and we'll 1-2-3
Pull Shapes